Momentum offers a wide range of FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council) Teak furniture. Our suppliers based in Central Java use some of the finest kiln dried timber available to the furniture manufacturing industry.
FSC is the strictest of the forest harvesting certification processes. The FSC was created in the 1990's by environmental and social groups, foresters and landowners to provide consumers with a rigorous, independent system for identifying products from ecologically, socially, and economically well-managed forests.
Alongside our Teak collection we are very proud to be able to offer a wide range of furniture constructed from Hevea wood, Momentum uses Hevea wood from managed plantations in Thailand, the wood is grown for between 15 to 20 years and in that time the Sap (Latex) is extracted on a daily basis and is used in manufacturing a huge range of products .
After 15 to 20 years the trees are then harvested for their wood as they no longer produce the Latex, the wood is then fashioned into useable lengths (1 to 1.3 meters) for making furniture, flooring, toys, kitchen utensils and many more every day items, any off cuts or waste wood is used to make charcoal and fuel and even the saw dust goes on to be used in the textile industry for colouring fabrics, and making wood based panels such as particle board.
The obvious advantages that Hevea wood offers us is that it actually is environmentally friendly as the whole process is managed thus having no impact on the environment, our supplier alone employs over 300 local employees in his factory offering the local people a proper wage and skilled career in a safe environment. The wood is stained with water based colour to match other species such as Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut and Oak .
For more information on the Improvement of hevea utilization and marketing, please visit the website "Green and Growing" – http://www.greenandgrowing.org/rubberwood-sustainable-uses/
At Momentum we are constantly working with many suppliers of reclaimed wood from India, China, Thailand and Indonesia focusing on recycling of old wood. We reclaim wood from old furniture, doors, window frames, virtually anything that has past its natural life span, we then work with our skilled teams of carpenters and designers to bring new life into the wood.
The result is a one of a kind unique hand crafted piece of furniture, totally unique in its design and the materials used in its construction, the overall effect is truly stunning, we also believe that a piece such as this has a value that would not normally be found in a mass produced new piece of furniture.